Master of Engineering

The Master of Engineering Degree requires the completion of 30 semester hours of graduate course work. The Department of Industrial Engineering offers a wide range of courses, giving students the opportunity to construct a degree plan that meets their long-term professional and academic goals.

Why Choose Lamar University?


The department faculty support research at the master's thesis level. A thesis looks great on a resume. See our student research page for descriptions of current and past projects.


Lamar University is affordable, with many students offered scholarships that come with in-state tuition.


The department allows students to take one course outside the department per semester.

Software Focused

Many students learn a programming language during their thesis (Python, Javascript, R, Java).

Machine Learning & Data Science

Many students analyze data sets as part of their thesis work.

Automation & Machine Tools

Students can build and test manufacturing equipment as Thesis topics.


We synchronize your research to the needs of industry and the job market.

Admission Requirements

For admission to the program, the student must meet the following requirements:

  1. The general requirements for admission to the College of Graduate Studies.
  2. Hold a bachelor's degree in a field of engineering or related discipline with credit substantially equivalent to that required for bachelor's degrees at Lamar University.
  3. The GRE is optional and not required.

For more information, please see our Admissions Information website.


All students should take an applied programming course and a statistics course. The remaining hours are electives to meet the student’s educational objectives. Students can take one course per semester outside the department with permission. Common courses from outside the department include computer science (database, machine learning, and computer vision), mechanical engineering, management information systems (database and ERP), and management courses.

Degree Requirements

  1.  All College of Graduate Studies general degree requirements.
  2.  A minimum of 9 semester hours of core courses as specified by the academic department.
  3.  A minimum of 30 semester hours (10 courses) as determined by departmental requirements.
  4.  Satisfactory completion of a final comprehensive examination. 


Student Experiences

Graduate Program Overview



Master Student Advisor
Dr. Xinyu Liu